238. The noun christian was started 2 being adopted 1st in 15th century when also the 4 gospels were written in the German empire along w/ the infamous letters of Turk-Jew Saul of Tarsus nicknamed Paul in old German because of his physical shortness.
Good & ther4 eternal Jesus never used 4 himself the word msheekhah *christ in his language Aramaic) b/c he never stated that he was the messiah. He just incited & consistently taught people 2 avoid temples in general, 2 become connected 2 GOD & 2 become awarded w/ Eternity the only way possible: Through good deeds towards everything & every1 on Earth. What he made clear though *provoking the hatred of the Jewish authorities) is that he was a direct descendant of king David & that a descendant of him will 1 day become the messiah, ergo the 1 who will help the inhabitants of Israel & of the whole World 2 get rid from evil turning this way Earth in2 what it was when Human life began 186,000 years ago his time >>> Paradise.
The German emperors on their turn *aware of the good fame of Jesus) desperately wanted written a made-up story about him. So they took the known ancient scriptures of his partner Maria of Magdala & of his closest friend Judas of Nazareth & basically contracted 4 people {later known as evangelists} 2 commit 2 the task 2gether w/ alias #Paul.
Why the eagerness? In order 2 have a so called better instrument 4 the conquest of the Souls of America, which as they learned was already being rediscovered by Scandinavians under leadership of king Eric *known as The Red).
The greater merit of alias #apostlePaul 4 the German authorities was 2 have been 1 of the major chasers of the direct descendants of Jesus of Nazareth in the Ottoman empire *currently Turkey).
That was the key reason why the direct descendants of Jesus in the early 16th century escaped 2 what we know as England *where Jesus himself lived 4 a long time) & 2 what we know as France *specifically La Bretagne) b4 moving *the core of them) 2 southern America in the early 18th century on ship Destiny.
All the time they counted w/ & received the support of 33-grade Masons ergo Templar leaders like the Author of the USA president # 3 & sage Thomas Jefferson who was the biggest promoter of good man Joseph Smith *also a Mason33 & Templar himself) i.e. of Mormonism as 1 of GOD's provided instruments *along w/ nowadays the Internet) 2 finally free planet Earth *equals our 4mer Paradise) 1ce & 4ever of criminal #germanChurch alias #catholicChurch lately-alias #vaticano.