Wed Sep 24, 2014 11:53am
This is worth 2 share in order 2 help creating consensus regarding the best way 2 get rid of environment-unfriendly (& extenuating in less than 60 years!) oil & gas (4 an aspiring world population of currently more than 7 billion & more than 9 billion people in less than 60 years!).
This is also the smartest approach 2 #ActOnClimate (2 use a hash-tag The White House likes since president #44).
I'll try 2 come up w/ a Spanish translation soon.
I have written a paper for non-scientists but, none the less smart people, explaining what energy is, where it comes from, why energy and mass is conserved, and a comparison of energy density which shows why we must maintain our use of coal, natural gas and petroleum until fusion is perfected and commercialized. There is no other choice: