# 75, on the biggest world news in 2008...
75. I shall recognize as the biggest news around the world during 2008 the election of Barack Obama, in spite I argued through earlier comments why the USA didn't need to prove to the world that it has overcome racism... The election of Obama surpassed others because its unexpectedness among the most of the people but for attentive observers, at last since the appointment of Condoleezza Rice as a Secretary of State in 2004 the USA had showed it was solidly on its way -and much further than any other country- to become race blind...
# 74, sobre la carretera central
74. Con motivo de la última navidad viajé nuevamente a Huánuco con mi auto y en compañía de una de mis hermanas y sobrinos que residen en Canadá. Con impotencia tuve que corroborar que el tramo Chicrín-Tingo María de aproximadamente 200 km continúa en el pésimo estado en que se mostraba durante mi último viaje de agosto. En breve adjuntaré fotos que hice pasando por Chicrín a lo largo de los predios de la minera Atacocha.
# 73, on US security...
73. Enhanced interrogation and surveillance were the pillars to avoid more attacks on US soil after 9/11... Some campaign promises notwithstanding, it will crucial that the next president reviews every security decision based on true accomplishments of his predecessor... Appointed Defense Secretary Robert Gates and the intelligence community will surely help to stay the wise course...
38th comment received but not published by The New York Times on Dec 11, 2008...
The article was...
My respective comment -as follows- has been received on same December 11th, 2008 4:11pm...
No need for conclusive sermons yet...
The Chicagoan pandora box has plenty of decapitating material to expose... And most of the press has no merit in its discovery...
More via www.omonte.org
— Pablo Omonte, Lima, Peru
My respective comment -as follows- has been received on same December 11th, 2008 4:11pm...
No need for conclusive sermons yet...
The Chicagoan pandora box has plenty of decapitating material to expose... And most of the press has no merit in its discovery...
More via www.omonte.org
— Pablo Omonte, Lima, Peru
Artículo: Carretera que clama por una invocación al presidente García
8 de diciembre de 2008
Carretera que clama por una invocación al presidente García
Carretera que clama por una invocación al presidente García
A mediados de agosto tuve que viajar a Huánuco para asistir a la invitación de una amiga que volvía de Suiza después de casi 10 años. No siendo temporada de lluvias decidí hacerlo en mi auto, pues disfruto con los magníficos paisajes que van deleitando la vista a lo largo de toda la ruta. Saliendo de Lima un viernes bordeando las 9 de la mañana se supera con cierta facilidad el deficiente empalme entre el final de la autopista Ramiro Prialé y la carretera central.
Ya en la carretera misma, obviando su estrechez que es todavía una generalidad en las vías terrestres de nuestro país, disfruté la comodidad de la pista reconstruida a cabalidad durante el gobierno de Alejandro Toledo a lo largo de casi 300 kilómetros desde Chosica hasta el pasqueño Chicrín. Sin embargo, a partir de esa localidad y teniendo como indolentes testigos iniciales los predios de la minera Atacocha y un enorme aviso con el logotipo Presidencia de la República que anuncia desde hace un par de años un millonario presupuesto para el mantenimiento del tramo subsiguiente, empecé a transitar sobre una carretera destrozada. Abundan tantos baches que uno tiene que reducir el promedio de velocidad desde 80 hasta 30 kilómetros por hora si guarda un mínimo de compasión por su vehículo. Las condiciones caóticas muestran un oasis de cierta mejora entrando y saliendo de Huánuco; pero empeoran -según me han asegurado diversos familiares y amigos- en el tramo hacia Tingo María.
Vale decir que la carretera central a lo largo de más de 200 kilómetros desde Chicrín en el departamento de Pasco hasta Tingo María en el departamento de Huánuco se encuentra en estado patético, a pesar de las multimillonarias inversiones en el rubro sobre las que ha venido discurseando el actual presidente en diversos foros desde el inicio de su mandato.
Retornando el lunes inmediato hacia Lima no podía evitar la sensación de desilusión que me invadía al pensar en el desenvolvimiento del segundo gobierno aprista. El discurso con el verbo encendido por un lado y la triste realidad de una carretera derruída por el otro se convertían en argumentos irreductibles. No podía soslayar el recuerdo de mi empeño por apoyar la candidatura de Lourdes Flores antes del 9 de abril de 2006 porque la consideraba como la mejor opción o la alternativa menos mala frente a Alan García y Ollanta Humala, quienes en ese entonces también lideraban en las encuestas. Tanto era mi convencimiento que empecé a distribuir a más de dos mil contactos contínuos comentarios vía correo electrónico bajo el título P1's paragraphs resaltando la conveniencia de elegir a la lideresa de Unidad Nacional.
Pero llegó aquel domingo 9, Valentín Paniagua no había retirado su candidatura y la votación en los consulados peruanos más populosos sufría escandalosas restricciones que parecían previamente orquestadas. Los peruanos nos encaminábamos pues hacia una segunda vuelta que se traducía no en escoger a la menos mala o al menos malo sino al menos peor.
Naturalmente me embarqué en un decidido apoyo a favor de García con miras al run-off del 4 de junio, a sabiendas de la corrupción e ineptitud que campeaban en nuestro país durante su primer gobierno, con la esperanza de que él, sobretodo él, deseara resarcirse del mal recuerdo que había dejado en los peruanos en 1990 y cual moderno Piérola se esforzara en un redimidor segundo período gubernamental.
Bajando de Ticlio me hacía la promesa de escribir pronto sobre aquella pésima carretera y sobre como una vía de comunicación en tan mal estado viene afectando los intereses de los peruanos que habitan territorio huanuqueño y de los peruanos en general. No obstante, quise darme algo más de tiempo porque al escribir sobre el tema no podría evitar criticar el desempeño del actual gobierno al cual siempre quise otorgar un genuino beneficio de la duda, sintiendo como muchos que al país le conviene así.
Transcurrieron algunas semanas y me encontraba abocado a comentar en inglés a través de mi página www.omonte.org acerca de los trasfondos demagógicos de Barack Obama, cuando leí sobre la filtración de audios que comprometían a Rómulo León al revisar titulares en un quiosco de periódicos el lunes 5 de octubre. Lo primero que se me vino a la mente fue el comentario que alcancé a comienzos del 2007 al entonces premier Jorge del Castillo durante una reunión de AmCham resaltando que gracias a la tecnología era bastante más fácil detectar la corrupción en épocas actuales. Sin embargo, nuevamente preferí esperar algo más antes de escribir sobre el asunto, principalmente para no echar más leña al fuego mientras nuestro país se encontraba ad portas de ser el anfitrión de la cumbre APEC 2008.
Finalmente se ha llevado a cabo tan esperada reunión, cuyo desarrollo este año en Lima fue uno de los logros obtenidos por el ex presidente Toledo, gracias al inigualable carisma que irradiaba en el exterior. Estos días de fiesta fueron fugaces y ha sido importante que nuestro país se muestre de la mejor manera ante la gran cantidad de influyentes visitantes; pero ahora es aún más importante alcanzar ya sin más demora una invocación de suma relevancia al actual presidente de los peruanos.
La mayoría de apristas y no apristas que aseguramos su elección el 2006 compartimos la sincera impresión de que León no pudo haber actuado con insolente impunidad sin estar seguro de un manto protector. Creemos del mismo modo que se podría estar configurando un tinglado para esquilmar arcas estatales aprovechando el poder político y la coyuntural necesidad de mayores inversiones gubernamentales para paliar los efectos de la recesión internacional.
Por tanto, sin perder la esperanza por el buen devenir de éste su segundo gobierno, pedimos al doctor Alan García un sensato golpe de timón para que -si bien no pudo liderar la esperada reforma del estado peruano al comienzo del lustro como era pertinente- de todos modos haga frente al monstruo de la corrupción, cuyas garras estamos empezando a percibir nuevamente.
De no proceder así, la desilusión cundirá principalmente entre nuestros compatriotas económicamente menos favorecidos y ese ignominioso lujo -como aprendimos a más tardar el 2006- ya no nos podemos permitir.
37th comment received but not published by The New York Times on Dec 10, 2008...
The article was...
My respective comment -as follows- has been received on same December 10th, 2008 3:29pm...
Some of us were pointing early enough in direction of incredibly rotten Chicago politics... The most of US media preferred not to heed, with the silent purpose to save Barack's candidacy...
In fact they'd just need to follow some key-words like "rezko"...
More via www.omonte.org
— Pablo Omonte, Lima, Peru
My respective comment -as follows- has been received on same December 10th, 2008 3:29pm...
Some of us were pointing early enough in direction of incredibly rotten Chicago politics... The most of US media preferred not to heed, with the silent purpose to save Barack's candidacy...
In fact they'd just need to follow some key-words like "rezko"...
More via www.omonte.org
— Pablo Omonte, Lima, Peru
36th comment received but not published by The New York Times on Dec 10, 2008...
The article was...
My respective comment -as follows- has been received on same December 10th, 2008 11:53am...
As sensed per several comments sent during the recent presidential campaign, many leading newspapers avoided to write about the corrupt politics in Chicago... They simply didn't want to hurt their favorite candidate...
Now they will be forced to catch up...
More via www.omonte.org
— Pablo Omonte, Lima, Peru
My respective comment -as follows- has been received on same December 10th, 2008 11:53am...
As sensed per several comments sent during the recent presidential campaign, many leading newspapers avoided to write about the corrupt politics in Chicago... They simply didn't want to hurt their favorite candidate...
Now they will be forced to catch up...
More via www.omonte.org
— Pablo Omonte, Lima, Peru
# 72, on the detention of the governor of Illinois...
72. Alarmed by the biased coverage benefiting Barack Obama, I defined him as a scion of Chicago cronyism in a comment sent to The New York Times during the presidential campaign... Today, seeing the detention of Illinois governor Rod Blagojevich after the wire-taped exposure of his currupt machinations, I can not avoid to think about the possibility for the investigations to finnally uncover the true wheelings and dealings of Chicago politics...
The valiant work of US attorney Patrick Fitzgerald could reach major proportions...
The valiant work of US attorney Patrick Fitzgerald could reach major proportions...
Comment sent to The Wall Street Journal on Dec 9, 2008...
After reading the article
I did send following comment to The Wall Street Journal on December 9th, 2008...
Advised readers may deduce that the deep-pocketed Obama campaign convinced voters much easily after having enticed at first hearts and minds among US media behemoths...
More via www.omonte.org
Pablo Omonte, Lima, Peru
I did send following comment to The Wall Street Journal on December 9th, 2008...
Advised readers may deduce that the deep-pocketed Obama campaign convinced voters much easily after having enticed at first hearts and minds among US media behemoths...
More via www.omonte.org
Pablo Omonte, Lima, Peru
35th comment received but not published by The New York Times on Dec 7, 2008...
The article was...
My respective comment -as follows- has been received on same December 7th, 2008 2:36pm...
The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers a.k.a. IEEE, a renowned organization headquartered in New York City surely grasps the state-of-the-art technologies which will be key to overcome the world's dependency on oil...
More via www.omonte.org
— Pablo Omonte, Lima, Peru
My respective comment -as follows- has been received on same December 7th, 2008 2:36pm...
The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers a.k.a. IEEE, a renowned organization headquartered in New York City surely grasps the state-of-the-art technologies which will be key to overcome the world's dependency on oil...
More via www.omonte.org
— Pablo Omonte, Lima, Peru
34th comment received but not published by The New York Times on Dec 5, 2008...
The article was...
My respective comment -as follows- has been received on same December 5th, 2008 11:31am...
I own a 1992 Chevrolet Cavalier built in the USA and prefer American cars because they're solid and reliable over a longer period of time in comparison with any competitor... However, I may still heed Mitt Romney's advice with the main purpose to free the US automakers from their overheading chains...
More via www.omonte.org
— Pablo Omonte, Lima, Peru
My respective comment -as follows- has been received on same December 5th, 2008 11:31am...
I own a 1992 Chevrolet Cavalier built in the USA and prefer American cars because they're solid and reliable over a longer period of time in comparison with any competitor... However, I may still heed Mitt Romney's advice with the main purpose to free the US automakers from their overheading chains...
More via www.omonte.org
— Pablo Omonte, Lima, Peru
33rd comment received but not published by The New York Times on Dec 2, 2008...
The article was...
My respective comment -as follows- has been received on same December 2nd, 2008 12:18pm...
Continuity trumps change, sometimes...
Voters worldwide are learning that the course of governing doesn't always coincide with the discourse of campaigning...
As people get influenced by mass-media, they become easily enchanted with bombastic speeches... Reality-check happens inevitably afterwards...
More via www.omonte.org
— Pablo Omonte, Lima, Peru
My respective comment -as follows- has been received on same December 2nd, 2008 12:18pm...
Continuity trumps change, sometimes...
Voters worldwide are learning that the course of governing doesn't always coincide with the discourse of campaigning...
As people get influenced by mass-media, they become easily enchanted with bombastic speeches... Reality-check happens inevitably afterwards...
More via www.omonte.org
— Pablo Omonte, Lima, Peru
32nd comment received but not published by The New York Times on Nov 28, 2008...
The article was...
My respective comment -as follows- has been received on same November 28th, 2008 10:18am...
After the Democrats obliquely profited from the financial meltdown during the last election, it will be an act of justice when the President-elect recognizes that both parties were equally responsible for it...
Nowadays -aside any needed reform inside a country- the world needs to keep advancing without dismay to achieve freer and fairer trade...
More via www.omonte.org
— Pablo Omonte, Lima, Peru
My respective comment -as follows- has been received on same November 28th, 2008 10:18am...
After the Democrats obliquely profited from the financial meltdown during the last election, it will be an act of justice when the President-elect recognizes that both parties were equally responsible for it...
Nowadays -aside any needed reform inside a country- the world needs to keep advancing without dismay to achieve freer and fairer trade...
More via www.omonte.org
— Pablo Omonte, Lima, Peru
# 71, on Thanksgiving...
71. This last Thursday of November 2008, I join my US friends in thanking God for all the blessings received... The present difficulties notwithstanding, there is ingenuous hope for a brighter future based on same freedom ideals but with a wise economic approach...
# 70, on my difficulties with the noun liberal...
70. In Latin America I can often agree with so called liberales in Spanish, but in the USA I feel not comfortable with being count as one of the liberals overthere... The shortest explanation may be that while in Latin America a liberal is an advocate for a smaller role of government in our economies, in the USA a liberal has traditionally engaged herself/ himself for a correspondent bigger role of government...
31st comment received but not published by The New York Times on Nov 22, 2008...
The article was...
My respective comment -as follows- has been received on same November 22nd, 2008 10:40pm...
An unrested Barack amidst unrealistic expectations would prefer not to shorten this transition...
George W. will keep doing the right thing as ever while Nancy & Harry approve at last the trade agreement with Colombia...
More via www.omonte.org
— Pablo Omonte, Lima, Peru
My respective comment -as follows- has been received on same November 22nd, 2008 10:40pm...
An unrested Barack amidst unrealistic expectations would prefer not to shorten this transition...
George W. will keep doing the right thing as ever while Nancy & Harry approve at last the trade agreement with Colombia...
More via www.omonte.org
— Pablo Omonte, Lima, Peru
30th comment received but not published by The New York Times on Nov 21, 2008...
The article was...
My respective comment -as follows- has been received on same November 21st, 2008 2:16pm...
Meritocracy alone will not secure long-term benefits for the USA... Wisdom supported with deep-rooted honesty will, but you don't necessarily acquire those qualities at an Ivy League school...
More via www.omonte.org
— Pablo Omonte, Lima, Peru
My respective comment -as follows- has been received on same November 21st, 2008 2:16pm...
Meritocracy alone will not secure long-term benefits for the USA... Wisdom supported with deep-rooted honesty will, but you don't necessarily acquire those qualities at an Ivy League school...
More via www.omonte.org
— Pablo Omonte, Lima, Peru
29th comment received but not published by The New York Times on Nov 20, 2008...
The article was...
My respective comment -as follows- has been received on same November 20th, 2008 1:57pm...
In dealing with Russia, the new US President may take a few more examples from a hawkish Ronald Reagan than from a dovish John F. Kennedy...
More via www.omonte.org
— Pablo Omonte, Lima, Peru
My respective comment -as follows- has been received on same November 20th, 2008 1:57pm...
In dealing with Russia, the new US President may take a few more examples from a hawkish Ronald Reagan than from a dovish John F. Kennedy...
More via www.omonte.org
— Pablo Omonte, Lima, Peru
28th comment received but not published by The New York Times on Nov 17, 2008...
The article was...
My respective comment -as follows- has been received on same November 17th, 2008 10:41pm...
Both parties are to blame for the dominance of voodoo economics during the last decades and let's not obliterate that G-20 countries benefited en masse from the capital artificially created during those years...
Republicans are getting now the most of the blame but the replacement of the internet bubble with a mortgage balloon started with Bill Clinton and in the last years Democrats blocked every highly needed reform in order not to bother those less-informed constituents who were critical to secure their candidate's victory...
I'm confident that the USA is still capable of leading a recovery because the fundamentals -human capital, political & economic principles- are still the strongest in the world...
More via www.omonte.org
— Pablo Omonte, Lima, Peru
My respective comment -as follows- has been received on same November 17th, 2008 10:41pm...
Both parties are to blame for the dominance of voodoo economics during the last decades and let's not obliterate that G-20 countries benefited en masse from the capital artificially created during those years...
Republicans are getting now the most of the blame but the replacement of the internet bubble with a mortgage balloon started with Bill Clinton and in the last years Democrats blocked every highly needed reform in order not to bother those less-informed constituents who were critical to secure their candidate's victory...
I'm confident that the USA is still capable of leading a recovery because the fundamentals -human capital, political & economic principles- are still the strongest in the world...
More via www.omonte.org
— Pablo Omonte, Lima, Peru
27th comment received but not published by The New York Times on Nov 16, 2008...
The article was...
My respective comment -as follows- has been received on same November 16th, 2008 4:24pm...
All the irony notwithstanding, Hillary is a proved Iron lady who deserves the job... We don't know though what Barack really offered and if she may find it wise to accept...
More via www.omonte.org
— Pablo Omonte, Lima, Peru
My respective comment -as follows- has been received on same November 16th, 2008 4:24pm...
All the irony notwithstanding, Hillary is a proved Iron lady who deserves the job... We don't know though what Barack really offered and if she may find it wise to accept...
More via www.omonte.org
— Pablo Omonte, Lima, Peru
26th comment received but not published by The New York Times on Nov 15, 2008...
The article was...
My respective comment -as follows- has been received on same November 15th, 2008 12:23pm...
Couldn't it be that in 2008 demagoguery crashed pragmatism?...
Since Adolf's triumph -with the media converted into a propaganda machine- one can not trust anymore the wisdom of a popular vote...
The New York Times and the most of its pundits shall be well advised to show up soon with the long expected opinion of their ombudsman before more gloating articles...
If not, I predict a bigger crisis for the Democratic party once Barack's shortcomings amount...
More via www.omonte.org
— Pablo Omonte, Lima, Peru
My respective comment -as follows- has been received on same November 15th, 2008 12:23pm...
Couldn't it be that in 2008 demagoguery crashed pragmatism?...
Since Adolf's triumph -with the media converted into a propaganda machine- one can not trust anymore the wisdom of a popular vote...
The New York Times and the most of its pundits shall be well advised to show up soon with the long expected opinion of their ombudsman before more gloating articles...
If not, I predict a bigger crisis for the Democratic party once Barack's shortcomings amount...
More via www.omonte.org
— Pablo Omonte, Lima, Peru
25th comment received but not published by The New York Times on Nov 13, 2008...
The article was...
My respective comment -as follows- has been received on same November 13th, 2008 9:48am...
The Internet age we're living in shall permit to revamp education all over the world... The whole stuff for basic school, high school, and college can be standardized and made available on-line...
The role e.g. of a teacher may resemble more the one of a coach, who motivates the weaker to improve and the smarter to soar...
More via www.omonte.org
— Pablo Omonte, Lima, Peru
My respective comment -as follows- has been received on same November 13th, 2008 9:48am...
The Internet age we're living in shall permit to revamp education all over the world... The whole stuff for basic school, high school, and college can be standardized and made available on-line...
The role e.g. of a teacher may resemble more the one of a coach, who motivates the weaker to improve and the smarter to soar...
More via www.omonte.org
— Pablo Omonte, Lima, Peru
24th comment received but not published by The New York Times on Nov 12, 2008...
The article was...
My respective comment -as follows- has been received on same November 12th, 2008 9:20am...
Looks like Maureen chooses downrating Sarah rather than venerating Veteran's Day...
More via www.omonte.org
— Pablo Omonte, Lima, Peru
My respective comment -as follows- has been received on same November 12th, 2008 9:20am...
Looks like Maureen chooses downrating Sarah rather than venerating Veteran's Day...
More via www.omonte.org
— Pablo Omonte, Lima, Peru
# 69, on the President receiving the President-elect at the White House...
69. After all the diatribes with which Barack Hussein Obama Jr. castigated George Walker Bush during the prolongued campaign, by inviting his successor warmly and promptly to the White House the acting President showed something we often missed on the President-elect: Grandeur...
23rd comment received but not published by The New York Times on Nov 9, 2008...
The article was...
My respective comment -as follows- has been received on same November 9th, 2008 10:00am...
I still feel uneasy Frank...
Looks like you and the majority of your colleagues are trying to artificially maintain an exaggerated optimism...
Let's remember the two decisive factors for Barack Hussein's triumph...
1) The unconditional support of the dominant news media, which hates Bush junior more than it loves Obama junior...
2) The huge financial crisis, which unjustly benefited the mortgage-reform-opposing Democratic party...
More via www.omonte.org
— Pablo Omonte, Lima, Peru
My respective comment -as follows- has been received on same November 9th, 2008 10:00am...
I still feel uneasy Frank...
Looks like you and the majority of your colleagues are trying to artificially maintain an exaggerated optimism...
Let's remember the two decisive factors for Barack Hussein's triumph...
1) The unconditional support of the dominant news media, which hates Bush junior more than it loves Obama junior...
2) The huge financial crisis, which unjustly benefited the mortgage-reform-opposing Democratic party...
More via www.omonte.org
— Pablo Omonte, Lima, Peru
Comment sent to The Wall Street Journal on Nov 8, 2008...
After reading the article
I did send following comment to The Wall Street Journal on November 8th, 2008...
True winner of Nov 2008 was the most part of the US media, which was committed to destroy George W. Bush since at least 2003 and inflating Barack H. Obama since at least 2007...
More via www.omonte.org
Pablo Omonte, Lima, Peru
I did send following comment to The Wall Street Journal on November 8th, 2008...
True winner of Nov 2008 was the most part of the US media, which was committed to destroy George W. Bush since at least 2003 and inflating Barack H. Obama since at least 2007...
More via www.omonte.org
Pablo Omonte, Lima, Peru
22nd comment received but not published by The New York Times on Nov 8, 2008...
The article was...
My respective comment -as follows- has been received on same November 8th, 2008 9:20am...
At least I wasn't betting my house in Lima that John would be elected... I trust my American fellows but not sooo much... :p
More via www.omonte.org
— Pablo Omonte, Lima, Peru
My respective comment -as follows- has been received on same November 8th, 2008 9:20am...
At least I wasn't betting my house in Lima that John would be elected... I trust my American fellows but not sooo much... :p
More via www.omonte.org
— Pablo Omonte, Lima, Peru
21st comment received but not published by The New York Times on Nov 8, 2008...
The article was...
My respective comment -as follows- has been received on same November 8th, 2008 8:43am...
All the hype shall not distract us of sobering fairness... Were it not for the anti-Bush propaganda, Obama wouldn't have won...
But let's not forget that it was George W. Bush who appointed a wonderful and well prepared lady like Condoleezza Rice as Secretary of State... At the latest then it was crystal clear that the USA has overcome racial barriers...
In the last election I wished all Americans would show to the World that they have become in the meantime also genuinely post-racial and would elect the candidate with the best credentials for the job...
I was a little bit disappointed...
More via www.omonte.org
— Pablo Omonte, Lima, Peru
My respective comment -as follows- has been received on same November 8th, 2008 8:43am...
All the hype shall not distract us of sobering fairness... Were it not for the anti-Bush propaganda, Obama wouldn't have won...
But let's not forget that it was George W. Bush who appointed a wonderful and well prepared lady like Condoleezza Rice as Secretary of State... At the latest then it was crystal clear that the USA has overcome racial barriers...
In the last election I wished all Americans would show to the World that they have become in the meantime also genuinely post-racial and would elect the candidate with the best credentials for the job...
I was a little bit disappointed...
More via www.omonte.org
— Pablo Omonte, Lima, Peru
20th comment received but not published by The New York Times on Nov 7, 2008...
The article was...
My respective comment -as follows- has been received on same November 7th, 2008 10:37am...
Well expressed David...
There are also two urgent issues the new administration needs to keep improving on in order to secure the health of the US and World economy: 1) Free trade, and 2) Fair trade...
Free trade to mantain a genuine growth path...
Fair trade to diminish the paramount deficit...
More via www.omonte.org
— Pablo Omonte, Lima, Peru
My respective comment -as follows- has been received on same November 7th, 2008 10:37am...
Well expressed David...
There are also two urgent issues the new administration needs to keep improving on in order to secure the health of the US and World economy: 1) Free trade, and 2) Fair trade...
Free trade to mantain a genuine growth path...
Fair trade to diminish the paramount deficit...
More via www.omonte.org
— Pablo Omonte, Lima, Peru
19th comment received but not published by The New York Times on Nov 5, 2008...
The article was...
My respective comment -as follows- has been received on same November 5th, 2008 2:20pm...
Those quite-as-many who didn't ascertain him as the better choice hope heartedly that Obama doesn't become Carter on steroids...
More via www.omonte.org
— Pablo Omonte, Lima, Peru
My respective comment -as follows- has been received on same November 5th, 2008 2:20pm...
Those quite-as-many who didn't ascertain him as the better choice hope heartedly that Obama doesn't become Carter on steroids...
More via www.omonte.org
— Pablo Omonte, Lima, Peru
# 68, on Obama as US President Elect...
68. I didn't expect Obama securing a quick victory in Ohio and Pennsylvania... Now -after seeing also the California projections- he is turning to become the US President-elect along this very night... As told to a few friends I hope he's persuadable to follow better ideas when appropriate in order for Barry not to turn into another Jimmy... God bless America!
Comment sent to the London Times on Nov 4, 2008...
After reading the article
I did send following comment to the London Times on November 4th, 2008...
I see John S. McCain still having a fair chance to win... If Barack H. Obama Jr. becomes the victor, the USA will have a hard time but shall prevail as it did with James E. Carter Jr. ...
More via www.omonte.org
Pablo Omonte, Lima, Peru
I did send following comment to the London Times on November 4th, 2008...
I see John S. McCain still having a fair chance to win... If Barack H. Obama Jr. becomes the victor, the USA will have a hard time but shall prevail as it did with James E. Carter Jr. ...
More via www.omonte.org
Pablo Omonte, Lima, Peru
18th comment received but not published by The New York Times on Nov 4, 2008...
The article was...
My respective comment -as follows- has been received on same November 4th, 2008 8:57am...
Speaking of smart young liberals, today morning Barack took a long time to cast his vote... Probably he was getting last minute second toughts about his scarcity on experience... 8)
More via www.omonte.org
— Pablo Omonte, Lima, Peru
My respective comment -as follows- has been received on same November 4th, 2008 8:57am...
Speaking of smart young liberals, today morning Barack took a long time to cast his vote... Probably he was getting last minute second toughts about his scarcity on experience... 8)
More via www.omonte.org
— Pablo Omonte, Lima, Peru
Article: I Won't Dare to Vote for Barack H. Obama, Jr.
November 3, 2008
Op-Ed Contribution
I Won't Dare to Vote for Barack H. Obama, Jr.
It has nothing to do with race.
As stated more than once, if Condoleezza Rice -a descendant of slaves- were running for the Republican party, I would rally for her with heart and mind.
My opposition to the present Democratic candidate has to do exclusively with his inexperience, weak judgment, demagoguery, and an economic approach that is prone to complete the destruction of the premises that have made the USA the leading country of the Free World.
During the last 6 weeks I arranged a personal effort to cast every argument via my site www.omonte.org
Now, on the eve of Election Day 2008 I want to focus on just a couple of final topics, in part built upon information provided by two US Friends: Danielle and Robert.
Were it not for the anti-Iraq-war propaganda, Obama's chance would be minimal. But I'd never forget that defeating Saddam Hussein was the only strategic path to take out the battleground on terror from inside the USA to Mesopotamia. At the same time this also represented the boldest effort to bring Freedom and Democracy to the Arab world. The Founding Fathers -Freemasons the most of them- are surely more proud of America since!
I also don't forget that WMDs were used by Hussein against the Kurds and the suspicion that in the last years those forbidden weapons were all built on super-trailers which were driven out via the Iran/ Syria border before March 2003 has not been discarded yet.
As close friends of mine know, during my stay in Europe almost 20 years ago I saw in the eyes of US enemies who were helping Hussein's Iraq. Some of those experts were coaching soon and with same eagerness the Taliban rulers of Afghanistan.
One can not deny the subtle understanding between the two major US haters among Sunni Arabs: Saddam Hussein and Usama bin Laden.
When I was 20 years old in 1984 I was starting in Germany to confront powerful anti-Americans and to defend the ideals of the United States, an approach which put my life in serious danger along the next years. When Barack was 20 years old in 1981 he spent 3 weeks in Pakistan.
Pakistan was in turmoil in 1981 and ruled by martial law. Millions of Afghan refugees were living in Pakistan, while the Afghan Mujahideen operated from bases inside Pakistan in their war with the Soviets. One of the leaders that based his operation in Quetta, Pakistan was bin Laden (a.k.a. "the sheikh"). Pakistan was on the banned travel list for US Citizens at the time and all non-Muslim visitors were not welcome unless sponsored by their embassy for official business. There would have been only 3 reasons for a young Westerner of Muslim faith to travel to Pakistan in 1981: To participate in Jihad, which is the duty of every "true believer"; for religious education in a Wahabbi sect -Saudi funded- Madrassa; or in order to purchase drugs from the drug marketplace. In that year Pakistan was by no means a tourist stop nor the place to hang out with someone's family.
When I was 30 years old in 1994 I was trying to re-start a living in my home country Peru after having survived a long-time harassment in Germany because of my outspoken pro-Americanism. When Barack was 30 years old in 1991 he was starting to work on his never ending exertion for a political career, at first helping to register around 150,000 misinformed voters in Chicago.
Obama has spent the main part of his political career running for the next office since he originally entered office. Some people will say he was elected in 1996 to the Illinois Senate. Yes, he was. It was a half term position in which he had all the other opponents removed from the ballot on technicalities and he had to run for re-election again in 1998 which means that he spent most of his second year campaigning during his half term Senate position.
In 1998, he won a four years seat, but he decided to run for the US Congress in 2000, so he was campaigning again (while getting paid to do another job which he was not doing). He lost that election. Then he had to run again for his half term Illinois Senate seat in 2002 (back on the campaign trail in 2001 for the third time since his 1996 win). In mid year of 2002 after he had won his Senate seat again he decided to run for US Senate, so he hired David Axelrod and he was back on the campaign trail, formally announced in 2003.
Through 2003 and 2004 he ran for the US Senate, winning unopposed as somehow sealed personal divorce records mysteriously leaked to the press in June of 2004 about his Republican opponent causing him to drop out. He won his 2004 Senate seat, resigned then from his 2002 win in the Illinois Senate during which he campaigned the most of the time, and in 2005 started the PR tour for his second book with title inspired by Jeremiah Wright. Then in mid 2006 he decided to run for President. In March 2007 he formally announced it and keeps being on the campaign trail.
1996 through 2008 look like 12 years of Public Service, but of those twelve Obama has been campaigning a minimum of 10 years!
For well informed Latin Americans it is not difficult then to compare Senator Obama with the several opportunistic lawyers we often observe on our political arenas.
Besides the above compilation, it is a common place that Democrats originated in the 90s the nucleus of the recent financial debacle with their socialism-inspired "social engineering" and along the last two years blocked every highly needed reform.
If disregarding mine and every other well minded effort, Barack H. Obama Jr. were to win tomorrow, the USA will prevail as it prevailed over the presidency of e.g. James E. Carter Jr.
Nevertheless, I cordially advise not to run into the same brick wall a thousand times!
Op-Ed Contribution
I Won't Dare to Vote for Barack H. Obama, Jr.
It has nothing to do with race.
As stated more than once, if Condoleezza Rice -a descendant of slaves- were running for the Republican party, I would rally for her with heart and mind.
My opposition to the present Democratic candidate has to do exclusively with his inexperience, weak judgment, demagoguery, and an economic approach that is prone to complete the destruction of the premises that have made the USA the leading country of the Free World.
During the last 6 weeks I arranged a personal effort to cast every argument via my site www.omonte.org
Now, on the eve of Election Day 2008 I want to focus on just a couple of final topics, in part built upon information provided by two US Friends: Danielle and Robert.
Were it not for the anti-Iraq-war propaganda, Obama's chance would be minimal. But I'd never forget that defeating Saddam Hussein was the only strategic path to take out the battleground on terror from inside the USA to Mesopotamia. At the same time this also represented the boldest effort to bring Freedom and Democracy to the Arab world. The Founding Fathers -Freemasons the most of them- are surely more proud of America since!
I also don't forget that WMDs were used by Hussein against the Kurds and the suspicion that in the last years those forbidden weapons were all built on super-trailers which were driven out via the Iran/ Syria border before March 2003 has not been discarded yet.
As close friends of mine know, during my stay in Europe almost 20 years ago I saw in the eyes of US enemies who were helping Hussein's Iraq. Some of those experts were coaching soon and with same eagerness the Taliban rulers of Afghanistan.
One can not deny the subtle understanding between the two major US haters among Sunni Arabs: Saddam Hussein and Usama bin Laden.
When I was 20 years old in 1984 I was starting in Germany to confront powerful anti-Americans and to defend the ideals of the United States, an approach which put my life in serious danger along the next years. When Barack was 20 years old in 1981 he spent 3 weeks in Pakistan.
Pakistan was in turmoil in 1981 and ruled by martial law. Millions of Afghan refugees were living in Pakistan, while the Afghan Mujahideen operated from bases inside Pakistan in their war with the Soviets. One of the leaders that based his operation in Quetta, Pakistan was bin Laden (a.k.a. "the sheikh"). Pakistan was on the banned travel list for US Citizens at the time and all non-Muslim visitors were not welcome unless sponsored by their embassy for official business. There would have been only 3 reasons for a young Westerner of Muslim faith to travel to Pakistan in 1981: To participate in Jihad, which is the duty of every "true believer"; for religious education in a Wahabbi sect -Saudi funded- Madrassa; or in order to purchase drugs from the drug marketplace. In that year Pakistan was by no means a tourist stop nor the place to hang out with someone's family.
When I was 30 years old in 1994 I was trying to re-start a living in my home country Peru after having survived a long-time harassment in Germany because of my outspoken pro-Americanism. When Barack was 30 years old in 1991 he was starting to work on his never ending exertion for a political career, at first helping to register around 150,000 misinformed voters in Chicago.
Obama has spent the main part of his political career running for the next office since he originally entered office. Some people will say he was elected in 1996 to the Illinois Senate. Yes, he was. It was a half term position in which he had all the other opponents removed from the ballot on technicalities and he had to run for re-election again in 1998 which means that he spent most of his second year campaigning during his half term Senate position.
In 1998, he won a four years seat, but he decided to run for the US Congress in 2000, so he was campaigning again (while getting paid to do another job which he was not doing). He lost that election. Then he had to run again for his half term Illinois Senate seat in 2002 (back on the campaign trail in 2001 for the third time since his 1996 win). In mid year of 2002 after he had won his Senate seat again he decided to run for US Senate, so he hired David Axelrod and he was back on the campaign trail, formally announced in 2003.
Through 2003 and 2004 he ran for the US Senate, winning unopposed as somehow sealed personal divorce records mysteriously leaked to the press in June of 2004 about his Republican opponent causing him to drop out. He won his 2004 Senate seat, resigned then from his 2002 win in the Illinois Senate during which he campaigned the most of the time, and in 2005 started the PR tour for his second book with title inspired by Jeremiah Wright. Then in mid 2006 he decided to run for President. In March 2007 he formally announced it and keeps being on the campaign trail.
1996 through 2008 look like 12 years of Public Service, but of those twelve Obama has been campaigning a minimum of 10 years!
For well informed Latin Americans it is not difficult then to compare Senator Obama with the several opportunistic lawyers we often observe on our political arenas.
Besides the above compilation, it is a common place that Democrats originated in the 90s the nucleus of the recent financial debacle with their socialism-inspired "social engineering" and along the last two years blocked every highly needed reform.
If disregarding mine and every other well minded effort, Barack H. Obama Jr. were to win tomorrow, the USA will prevail as it prevailed over the presidency of e.g. James E. Carter Jr.
Nevertheless, I cordially advise not to run into the same brick wall a thousand times!
17th comment received but not published by The New York Times on Nov 3, 2008...
The article was...
My respective comment -as follows- has been received on same November 3rd, 2008 8:45am...
Slowly Paul... A left leaned Nobel prize is no insurance against failure... The most resonanting truth after a few November surprises may be the Democratic party having become the party of naïveté...
More via www.omonte.org
— Pablo Omonte, Lima, Peru
My respective comment -as follows- has been received on same November 3rd, 2008 8:45am...
Slowly Paul... A left leaned Nobel prize is no insurance against failure... The most resonanting truth after a few November surprises may be the Democratic party having become the party of naïveté...
More via www.omonte.org
— Pablo Omonte, Lima, Peru
16th comment received but not published by The New York Times on Nov 3, 2008...
The article was...
My respective comment -as follows- has been received on same November 3rd, 2008 7:10am...
Bill Kristol's proved stoicism was a relieving oasis in a desert plagued with pro-Obama bias... For instance, the suffocating partiality will not impede that Barack looses support in a bunch of key states after the most recent uncovering of his predisposition against the coal industry...
More via www.omonte.org
— Pablo Omonte, Lima, Peru
My respective comment -as follows- has been received on same November 3rd, 2008 7:10am...
Bill Kristol's proved stoicism was a relieving oasis in a desert plagued with pro-Obama bias... For instance, the suffocating partiality will not impede that Barack looses support in a bunch of key states after the most recent uncovering of his predisposition against the coal industry...
More via www.omonte.org
— Pablo Omonte, Lima, Peru
# 51, broadcasted via email with edition V on Aug 10, 2008...
51. Against the opposition of the majority of his generals, of several leaders of his party (except a few like John McCain), and almost the whole democratic bench (except a very few like Joseph Lieberman) on Capitol Hill, George W. Bush approved the surge of troops in Irak... Now that it was demonstrated to have been a wise decision, it continues to be difficult for Obama -the self proclaimed leader of unity and change- to recognize this... I'm sure that if the Americans would decide to weigh anchors much sooner than pertinent, many good willing Irakis wouldn't delay in dedicate them a song like "If You Leave Me Now" by the group Chicago...
# 49, broadcasted via email with edition V on Aug 10, 2008...
49. Barack H. Obama Jr. tries to imitate John F. Kennedy on various aspects, including his impetus to defy someone way more experienced like Richard Nixon... Nonetheless, it's appropriate to remember that with Kennedy the United States were pretty close of losing the Cold War against the communist axis headed by the Soviet Union... That risk started to unchain on the instant when the Russian leader Nikita Khrushchev considered Kennedy a wimp... Consequently to me more accurate than his predecessor, Obama should have emulated the statement "Ich bin ein Berliner" with a more sincere "I'm a beginner" during his gaseous speech in front of the ecstatic 200,000 attendants on the German capital city's Tiergarten...
# 48, broadcasted via email with edition V on Aug 10, 2008...
48. I would have preferred that Mario Vargas-Llosa becomes a US Citizen; but surely his lesser command of English made him feel always much closer to Spain... And why not?... Possessing the Spanish citizenship he could obviously try a political inroad, most of all if this is done in name of a well understood liberalism like his... However, and without losing the sense of humor, lately Mario has been showing signals of a slight blandishment... Particularly on two issues... His soft comming together with Alan Garcia and his growing sympathy for Barack Obama...
15th comment received but not published by The New York Times on Nov 2, 2008...
The article was...
My respective comment -as follows- has been received on same November 2nd, 2008 8:35am...
The real question is if the credibility of The New York Times will survive at an acceptable level after such unprecedented and dubious bias in favor of an unprepared and oportunistic presidential candidate...
More via www.omonte.org
— Pablo Omonte, Lima, Peru
My respective comment -as follows- has been received on same November 2nd, 2008 8:35am...
The real question is if the credibility of The New York Times will survive at an acceptable level after such unprecedented and dubious bias in favor of an unprepared and oportunistic presidential candidate...
More via www.omonte.org
— Pablo Omonte, Lima, Peru
# 42, broadcasted via email with edition V on Aug 10, 2008...
42. By practical sense and thanks to its enorm ductilibility the English language has turned into lingua franca... It is de facto that Esperanto which many erudites wanted to disseminate in the past... Furthermore, as I've written on one of the first P1's paragraphs issued in 2006, the most prestigious futurologists foresee that in a not so distant future the earthlings will speak one single language which will have from everyone spoken at present; but mainly of English, then -in order geometrically decreasing- of Spanish, of Chinese, and so on...
# 41, broadcasted via email with edition V on Aug 10, 2008...
41. Americans are essentially patriots... Because of it, Obama sinned as uncouth by criticizing that the average US citizen doesn't speak a second language and that just barely could say merci beaucoup when visiting Paris... To the most part of the American voters it may be clear that if it not were for the United States, France would be still subjugated by the yoke of the Nazi satraps and in Paris one should thank others not in French but with a Germanic vielen dank...
# 40, broadcasted via email with edition V on Aug 10, 2008...
40. As I commented to Bill O'reilly of FoxNews, Barack Obama Junior reminds us in Latin America of presidential candidates like Alan Garcia... Brilliant speaker (with support of translucent teleprompter in case of the gringo, to be truthful) and extraordinary seducer of multitudes... However, summing up, someone with a very few leading achievements to show...
# 39, broadcasted via email with edition V on Aug 10, 2008...
39. For the US media which is most favorable to him, Obama came out with flying colors with his clarifying speech of March 18th; though I believe that to have put on same level the domestic diatribes of his paternal grandmother and the anti-American verbal excesses of his mentor pastor Jeremiah Wright has started to complicate him in the sub-conscience of the American majority, mainly in regard to the elections of November 4th... It doesn't mean I would have preferred Hillary Clinton... Against it plays my conviction that the Democrats are more labile to resolve the crucial challenges the USA has to confront...
# 38, broadcasted via email with edition V on Aug 10, 2008...
38. As I expressed on O1's paragraph # 29, the possibility that Obama becomes the next president would reafirm the lasting US leadership... Dumb people on rancid and sometimes not so rancid latitudes, who still think that skin color keeps proportionality with some level of superiority, would receive a new democratic lesson of the most powerful country in the world... However, my divergence with the candidate for the Democratic party has to deal with his political stands of demagogic tone...
14th comment received but not published by The New York Times on Nov 1, 2008...
The article was...
My respective comment -as follows- has been received on same November 1st, 2008 10:26am...
Lawrence Eagelburger pointed also to Barack's stupid statements on foreign policy and stressed that he has less experience than Sarah... Apropos the 96 hours rally to rally racing, there are 3 reporters who will endure additional torture following his plane...
More via www.omonte.org
— Pablo Omonte, Lima, Peru
My respective comment -as follows- has been received on same November 1st, 2008 10:26am...
Lawrence Eagelburger pointed also to Barack's stupid statements on foreign policy and stressed that he has less experience than Sarah... Apropos the 96 hours rally to rally racing, there are 3 reporters who will endure additional torture following his plane...
More via www.omonte.org
— Pablo Omonte, Lima, Peru
13th comment received but not published by The New York Times on Nov 1, 2008...
The article was...
My respective comment -as follows- has been received on same November 1st, 2008 9:41am...
US voters are wiser than several pundits expect... If the majority is reluctant to cast a vote in favor of Barack it is not because of the color of his epidermis but because they have concluded that he is much more inexperienced than Sarah, has not demonstrated to have a good judgment, and his economic approach will worsen the current crisis...
More via www.omonte.org
— Pablo Omonte, Lima, Peru
My respective comment -as follows- has been received on same November 1st, 2008 9:41am...
US voters are wiser than several pundits expect... If the majority is reluctant to cast a vote in favor of Barack it is not because of the color of his epidermis but because they have concluded that he is much more inexperienced than Sarah, has not demonstrated to have a good judgment, and his economic approach will worsen the current crisis...
More via www.omonte.org
— Pablo Omonte, Lima, Peru
12th comment received but not published by The New York Times on Nov 1, 2008...
The article was...
My respective comment -as follows- has been received on same November 1st, 2008 9:30am...
As John McCain has already closen the gap, one could easily state: For Barack Obama Jr. to have won, everything needed to go his way in October... It didn’t...
More via www.omonte.org
— Pablo Omonte, Lima, Peru
My respective comment -as follows- has been received on same November 1st, 2008 9:30am...
As John McCain has already closen the gap, one could easily state: For Barack Obama Jr. to have won, everything needed to go his way in October... It didn’t...
More via www.omonte.org
— Pablo Omonte, Lima, Peru
Sobre la corrupción en el 2do. gobierno de Alan García...
Previniendo al actual segundo gobierno de Alan García de no caer en tentaciones de corrupción como las que venimos atestiguando recientemente, el 10 de abril del 2007 incluí en la XIII edición distribuida vía email el siguiente P1's Paragraph...
157. Al final de la exposición de Jorge del Castillo en el último almuerzo de AMCHAM alcancé una pregunta escrita que, dada la cortedad del tiempo, ya no pudo ser leída por el anfitrión Aldo Defilippi... Decía así... "Señor Primer Ministro, Usted seguramente concordará conmigo en que los políticos experimentados y novicios debemos estar conscientes de que gracias al maravilloso intrumento de las telecomunicaciones -que Dios ha puesto finalmente en nuestras manos- la corrupción se hace cada vez más difícil de cristalizar"...
Tal vez creyendo que se encontraban todavía en aquellos años 80 de limitadas posibilidades tecnológicas, los apristas han venido cayendo cual corderitos en la red de sus propias torpezas... Por el bien de nuestro país, los peruanos de buena voluntad que el 2006 apoyamos a Alan como a un proverbial "mal menor" esperamos una enmienda real e inmediata...
157. Al final de la exposición de Jorge del Castillo en el último almuerzo de AMCHAM alcancé una pregunta escrita que, dada la cortedad del tiempo, ya no pudo ser leída por el anfitrión Aldo Defilippi... Decía así... "Señor Primer Ministro, Usted seguramente concordará conmigo en que los políticos experimentados y novicios debemos estar conscientes de que gracias al maravilloso intrumento de las telecomunicaciones -que Dios ha puesto finalmente en nuestras manos- la corrupción se hace cada vez más difícil de cristalizar"...
Tal vez creyendo que se encontraban todavía en aquellos años 80 de limitadas posibilidades tecnológicas, los apristas han venido cayendo cual corderitos en la red de sus propias torpezas... Por el bien de nuestro país, los peruanos de buena voluntad que el 2006 apoyamos a Alan como a un proverbial "mal menor" esperamos una enmienda real e inmediata...
# 67, on Obama's disservice to Florida and Colombia...
67. When I observe Barack Obama desperate to secure a win in Florida, I can not avoid to remember the disservice he did to the Sunshine State's economic interest by adamantly opposing the US Trade Promotion Agreement with Colombia... For instance his opposition was detrimental not only to Florida but also to the whole USA since every informed citizen knows e.g. that 40% of the US economic growth in 2007 came from exports...
Politically... I believe that instigated by surrogates of Venezuelan dictator Hugo Chavez, senator Obama preferred to side with the argument rooted on the killings since 1985 of labour advocates and not to acknowledge the huge improvements reached by president Alvaro Uribe, the best ally of the US in the region...
The Colombia case highlights the sad notion that Barack prefers to spread the wealth around instead building authentic conditions to create more...
Politically... I believe that instigated by surrogates of Venezuelan dictator Hugo Chavez, senator Obama preferred to side with the argument rooted on the killings since 1985 of labour advocates and not to acknowledge the huge improvements reached by president Alvaro Uribe, the best ally of the US in the region...
The Colombia case highlights the sad notion that Barack prefers to spread the wealth around instead building authentic conditions to create more...
Comment sent to The Wall Street Journal on Oct 30, 2008...
After reading the article
I did send following comment to The Wall Street Journal on October 30th, 2008...
As we see in Latin America nowadays, polls are subject to influence of money-laden campaigns... I expect John equalizing Barack over the weekend and much possibly winning on Tuesday...
More via www.omonte.org
Pablo Omonte, Lima, Peru
I did send following comment to The Wall Street Journal on October 30th, 2008...
As we see in Latin America nowadays, polls are subject to influence of money-laden campaigns... I expect John equalizing Barack over the weekend and much possibly winning on Tuesday...
More via www.omonte.org
Pablo Omonte, Lima, Peru
11th comment received but not published by The New York Times on Oct 30, 2008...
The article was...
My respective comment -as follows- has been received on same October 30th, 2008 1:51pm...
There is no need for a quiz to conclude that his millionary 30' TV Special will not do a big favor to Barack H. Obama Jr. since it reminded every attentive voter how and why he lied by opting out of public campaign finance...
More via www.omonte.org
— Pablo Omonte, Lima, Peru
My respective comment -as follows- has been received on same October 30th, 2008 1:51pm...
There is no need for a quiz to conclude that his millionary 30' TV Special will not do a big favor to Barack H. Obama Jr. since it reminded every attentive voter how and why he lied by opting out of public campaign finance...
More via www.omonte.org
— Pablo Omonte, Lima, Peru
Comment sent to the London Times on Oct 27, 2008...
After reading the article
I did send following comment to the London Times on October 27th, 2008...
Because we already gathered lots of bad experience with several nice talking candidates, if Barack H. Obama Jr. were running in Latin America he would have been quickly recognized as a charming demagogue...
Pablo Omonte, Lima, Peru
I did send following comment to the London Times on October 27th, 2008...
Because we already gathered lots of bad experience with several nice talking candidates, if Barack H. Obama Jr. were running in Latin America he would have been quickly recognized as a charming demagogue...
Pablo Omonte, Lima, Peru
Question for Barack Obama, suggested to FoxNews on Oct 25, 2008...
Hugo Chavez was able to donate 100 million US dollars to secure the election of Evo Morales in Bolivia... How soon will you disclose all "individual" donations in order for the authorities to track the amount of money your campaign received from the Venezuelan dictator?...
We know, you were one of his men to block the free trade agreement with Colombia...
Pablo Omonte, Lima, Peru
Article: I Love to Wear the US Flag Pin
May 3, 2008
Op-Ed Contribution
I Love to Wear the US Flag Pin
During the Democratic primaries I've learnt of occassions when Senator Obama showed he doesn't like much to wear the stars & stripes flag pin on his lapel.
Quite often when I'm in the USA, on several binational meetings in Lima, or even at some gatherings at home I love to wear it, being of course the Peruvian nationality the only one I have.
How does it come?
It probably began when in the early 70ties, as a kid, I used to admire a US family who lived at the next corner of my home in bucolic Huánuco, a small city 400 km north-eastern of Lima. The father was a LDS missionary and his wife and their several children were all nice but most importantly they were very kind to eachother and to everyone else. You could truly feel they were somehow closer to God, I thought, in contrast to mine - also a good looking family - but which in spite visiting the Catholic mass every Sunday and having many nuns and high ranked clericals as close relatives had our parents and us children involved in frequent disagreements in- and outdoors.
Soon, as nationalist and anti-American dictator Velasco turned rougher, many US missionaries left the country and so did that cherished North American family. I missed them everyday I went to school and passed by the emptied house at the neighboring corner.
During the military regime English classes became insignificant by law and I had to make an extra effort to learn a bit more of the language of those people I fell in love with. However, this was almost impossible even at the most renowned high-school in town. My poor English level notwithstanding I tried fervently to win a one-year scholarship for a US college with support of Rotarian friends of my father. The process offered hope but should take much longer than expected.
Meanwile, in the midst of the returning democracy and the weak Belaunde presidency it was high time for me to start college in Peru although not at UNI, the best Engineering University in Lima because it was plagued by strikes and the scaring influence of Shining Path.
The place to go was the Catholic University, where I couldn't grow comfortably because it didn't transpire the freedom I desired for an academic institution. Luckily, before one year went over I saw a placard announcing scholarships for engineering studies in Germany. Overcoming the initial opposition of my family - because of my young age - I applied, and became selected.
In August 1982 started my European journey.
Being pretty talkative and a charmeur since childhood, in the first years I just enjoyed to have a huge success finding friendship among young people. However, the more I grasped the Teutonic language and understood the nuances during conversations I found that some older people but mostly those in a powerful position disliked at the bottom of their hearts a bright newcomer like me and coincidentally also despised the USA.
As I became aware of this, I started to review my interest in building a possible future in Germany. However to completely decide about it I thought I had to learn more about how their elite think, and went over - besides coping with my electronics engineering studies - to diligently read the editorials of their leading journals like Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung, Süddeutsche Zeitung, Die Zeit, Spiegel, and Stern.
In 1988, one year before graduating as a Diplom Ingenieur, I arrived to the conclusion that the German elite as the bellwether of Europe couldn't shake off its anti-Americanism and that it would prefer to build upon their contempt for the so called Melting Pot instead enlighten their countrywomen and -men to reach to higher milestones based on a honestly cooperative relationship with the USA.
At the same time I began to spend money in buying those then expensive Time Magazine, Newsweek, International Herald Tribune, and sometimes National Review to learn more about the American ideals, mentality, and worldview with the permanent support of an Englisch-Deutsch Wörterbuch. My best hopes became indeed satisfied by reading lots of editorials and articles. Bill Safire, Art Buchwald, and Bill Buckley were among my favorites.
Meanwhile, as my way of thinking became well known among co-scholars, friends, and later colleagues and members of the Führungskader at Siemens in the early 90ties, I began to be treated as an enemy who deserved to get undermined.
Around 15 years have passed since I moved out and in the meantime I believe Germany has soften homemade sentiments of its arrogant 80ties towards America.
. My love for the USA which began at children's age, got only diamond-strong in Europe;
. Even if I relish to have found in wonderful Lima - for pundits a New York City of Latin America - the hub of my forthcoming activities, I keep dreaming of a united continent from Alaska to Tierra del Fuego as a key step to achieve a genuinely united World like Albert Einstein yearned for;
. I can not avoid to admonish the ignominious 'gda' expression disparaged by confused pastor Wright; and
. I want to heartedly extoll: God Bless America!!!
Op-Ed Contribution
I Love to Wear the US Flag Pin
During the Democratic primaries I've learnt of occassions when Senator Obama showed he doesn't like much to wear the stars & stripes flag pin on his lapel.
Quite often when I'm in the USA, on several binational meetings in Lima, or even at some gatherings at home I love to wear it, being of course the Peruvian nationality the only one I have.
How does it come?
It probably began when in the early 70ties, as a kid, I used to admire a US family who lived at the next corner of my home in bucolic Huánuco, a small city 400 km north-eastern of Lima. The father was a LDS missionary and his wife and their several children were all nice but most importantly they were very kind to eachother and to everyone else. You could truly feel they were somehow closer to God, I thought, in contrast to mine - also a good looking family - but which in spite visiting the Catholic mass every Sunday and having many nuns and high ranked clericals as close relatives had our parents and us children involved in frequent disagreements in- and outdoors.
Soon, as nationalist and anti-American dictator Velasco turned rougher, many US missionaries left the country and so did that cherished North American family. I missed them everyday I went to school and passed by the emptied house at the neighboring corner.
During the military regime English classes became insignificant by law and I had to make an extra effort to learn a bit more of the language of those people I fell in love with. However, this was almost impossible even at the most renowned high-school in town. My poor English level notwithstanding I tried fervently to win a one-year scholarship for a US college with support of Rotarian friends of my father. The process offered hope but should take much longer than expected.
Meanwile, in the midst of the returning democracy and the weak Belaunde presidency it was high time for me to start college in Peru although not at UNI, the best Engineering University in Lima because it was plagued by strikes and the scaring influence of Shining Path.
The place to go was the Catholic University, where I couldn't grow comfortably because it didn't transpire the freedom I desired for an academic institution. Luckily, before one year went over I saw a placard announcing scholarships for engineering studies in Germany. Overcoming the initial opposition of my family - because of my young age - I applied, and became selected.
In August 1982 started my European journey.
Being pretty talkative and a charmeur since childhood, in the first years I just enjoyed to have a huge success finding friendship among young people. However, the more I grasped the Teutonic language and understood the nuances during conversations I found that some older people but mostly those in a powerful position disliked at the bottom of their hearts a bright newcomer like me and coincidentally also despised the USA.
As I became aware of this, I started to review my interest in building a possible future in Germany. However to completely decide about it I thought I had to learn more about how their elite think, and went over - besides coping with my electronics engineering studies - to diligently read the editorials of their leading journals like Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung, Süddeutsche Zeitung, Die Zeit, Spiegel, and Stern.
In 1988, one year before graduating as a Diplom Ingenieur, I arrived to the conclusion that the German elite as the bellwether of Europe couldn't shake off its anti-Americanism and that it would prefer to build upon their contempt for the so called Melting Pot instead enlighten their countrywomen and -men to reach to higher milestones based on a honestly cooperative relationship with the USA.
At the same time I began to spend money in buying those then expensive Time Magazine, Newsweek, International Herald Tribune, and sometimes National Review to learn more about the American ideals, mentality, and worldview with the permanent support of an Englisch-Deutsch Wörterbuch. My best hopes became indeed satisfied by reading lots of editorials and articles. Bill Safire, Art Buchwald, and Bill Buckley were among my favorites.
Meanwhile, as my way of thinking became well known among co-scholars, friends, and later colleagues and members of the Führungskader at Siemens in the early 90ties, I began to be treated as an enemy who deserved to get undermined.
Around 15 years have passed since I moved out and in the meantime I believe Germany has soften homemade sentiments of its arrogant 80ties towards America.
. My love for the USA which began at children's age, got only diamond-strong in Europe;
. Even if I relish to have found in wonderful Lima - for pundits a New York City of Latin America - the hub of my forthcoming activities, I keep dreaming of a united continent from Alaska to Tierra del Fuego as a key step to achieve a genuinely united World like Albert Einstein yearned for;
. I can not avoid to admonish the ignominious 'gda' expression disparaged by confused pastor Wright; and
. I want to heartedly extoll: God Bless America!!!
10th comment received but not published by The New York Times on Oct 29, 2008...
The article was...
My respective comment -as follows- has been received on same October 29th, 2008 3:08pm...
Like Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, Hugo Chavez is the other oil celebrity and secret big fan of Barack Hussein who is feeling in disgrace whith the oil price bouncing off...
More via www.omonte.org
— Pablo Omonte, Lima, Peru
My respective comment -as follows- has been received on same October 29th, 2008 3:08pm...
Like Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, Hugo Chavez is the other oil celebrity and secret big fan of Barack Hussein who is feeling in disgrace whith the oil price bouncing off...
More via www.omonte.org
— Pablo Omonte, Lima, Peru
9th comment received but not published by The New York Times on Oct 29, 2008...
The article was...
My respective comment -as follows- has been received on same October 29th, 2008 10:40am...
Now -in order to appear just a little bit unbiased short before the elections- Maureen shall start screenplaying on the crescent story about Los Angeles Times and its protégés Barack H. Obama Jr. and Rashid Khalidi...
More via www.omonte.org
— Pablo Omonte, Lima, Peru
My respective comment -as follows- has been received on same October 29th, 2008 10:40am...
Now -in order to appear just a little bit unbiased short before the elections- Maureen shall start screenplaying on the crescent story about Los Angeles Times and its protégés Barack H. Obama Jr. and Rashid Khalidi...
More via www.omonte.org
— Pablo Omonte, Lima, Peru
# 66, on why The New York Times is wrong...
66. My love for the USA turned immanent by reading the editorials of The International Herald Tribune when I was a student and young engineer in Europe... The most of those opinion articles of course were originally from The New York Times...
However, in the last decade I became incrementally skeptic about the opinions crafted by the newspaper which became several years ago an intellectual home for me...
Herewith some examples...
The New York Times demonizes George W. Bush but forgets that he re-conquered the most precious instrument for Freedom in the World: US national security... This crucial need was evident at last on 9/11 after al-Qaeda infiltrated the USA during the lax tenure of William J. Clinton...
The New York Times blames the current government for the huge financial crisis but forgets that it was originated by the socialism-prone "social engineering" started in the 90ties and staunchly defended during the last years by the Democratic majority of Capitol Hill...
The New York Times dismisses Sarah Palin but forgets that she has demonstrated not just to have a better character and better judgment in light of her past associations, yet also to have reached proper executive achievements in comparison to Barack H. Obama, Jr. ...
However, in the last decade I became incrementally skeptic about the opinions crafted by the newspaper which became several years ago an intellectual home for me...
Herewith some examples...
The New York Times demonizes George W. Bush but forgets that he re-conquered the most precious instrument for Freedom in the World: US national security... This crucial need was evident at last on 9/11 after al-Qaeda infiltrated the USA during the lax tenure of William J. Clinton...
The New York Times blames the current government for the huge financial crisis but forgets that it was originated by the socialism-prone "social engineering" started in the 90ties and staunchly defended during the last years by the Democratic majority of Capitol Hill...
The New York Times dismisses Sarah Palin but forgets that she has demonstrated not just to have a better character and better judgment in light of her past associations, yet also to have reached proper executive achievements in comparison to Barack H. Obama, Jr. ...
8th comment received but not published by The New York Times on Oct 24, 2008...
The article was...
My respective comment -as follows- has been received on same October 24th, 2008 3:23pm...
I'll keep providing via www.omonte.org key arguments on why John McCain is the much better option... A short reflexion in the meantime... It's curious that every well informed voter can take present endorsing article and interchange the names John McCain and Barack Obama for once... What happens?... It sounds finally credible!...
— Pablo Omonte, Lima, Peru
My respective comment -as follows- has been received on same October 24th, 2008 3:23pm...
I'll keep providing via www.omonte.org key arguments on why John McCain is the much better option... A short reflexion in the meantime... It's curious that every well informed voter can take present endorsing article and interchange the names John McCain and Barack Obama for once... What happens?... It sounds finally credible!...
— Pablo Omonte, Lima, Peru
7th comment received but not published by The New York Times on Oct 20, 2008...
The article was...
My respective comment -as follows- has been received on same October 20th, 2008 11:07am...
What about the plutocrats and giant subprime speculators disguised as "individuals" who are supporting the richest presidential campaign ever?... Will this election coincide with the mass burial of US medias's credibility?...
More via www.omonte.org
— Pablo Omonte, Lima, Peru
My respective comment -as follows- has been received on same October 20th, 2008 11:07am...
What about the plutocrats and giant subprime speculators disguised as "individuals" who are supporting the richest presidential campaign ever?... Will this election coincide with the mass burial of US medias's credibility?...
More via www.omonte.org
— Pablo Omonte, Lima, Peru
# 65, on Colin Powell's endorsement...
65. General Colin Powell has showed today that he is not as race blind as he may have been expected to be... What I dislike more is the fact that he let an unproven promise easily trump over genuine records... For instance, if either he or Condoleezza Rice were running for the Republican party instead of John McCain I wouldn't doubt an instant to qualify him or her as the better choice under current crucial circumstances...
6th comment received but not published by The New York Times on Oct 18, 2008...
The article was...
My respective comment -as follows- has been received on same October 18th, 2008 9:24am...
Pious followers may be prepared about the exaggerated advantage in TV-ads boomeranging on their deliverer, because it converts him into a suspect of dubious interests... Same happened at several Latin American elections...
More via www.omonte.org
— Pablo Omonte, Lima, Peru
My respective comment -as follows- has been received on same October 18th, 2008 9:24am...
Pious followers may be prepared about the exaggerated advantage in TV-ads boomeranging on their deliverer, because it converts him into a suspect of dubious interests... Same happened at several Latin American elections...
More via www.omonte.org
— Pablo Omonte, Lima, Peru
5th comment received but not published by The New York Times on Oct 18, 2008...
The article was...
My respective comment -as follows- has been received on same October 18th, 2008 9:24am...
You should be securing your provision of Liquid-Plumr Chuck... I kindly guess...
More via www.omonte.org
— Pablo Omonte, Lima, Peru
My respective comment -as follows- has been received on same October 18th, 2008 9:24am...
You should be securing your provision of Liquid-Plumr Chuck... I kindly guess...
More via www.omonte.org
— Pablo Omonte, Lima, Peru
4th comment received but not published by The New York Times on Oct 16, 2008...
The article was...
My respective comment -as follows- has been received on same October 16th, 2008 11:08am...
Gail... Touching on your last sentence and based on facts
it seems that for the most of the news media, in the end, it’s always all about the one who pays hard to get...
More via www.omonte.org
— Pablo Omonte, Lima, Peru
My respective comment -as follows- has been received on same October 16th, 2008 11:08am...
Gail... Touching on your last sentence and based on facts
it seems that for the most of the news media, in the end, it’s always all about the one who pays hard to get...
More via www.omonte.org
— Pablo Omonte, Lima, Peru
# 64, on the Alfred E. Smith Charity Dinner...
64. I enjoyed like many of you seeing both candidates attend the Alfred E. Smith annual dinner in New York City... As tradition asks, on every elections year each candidate is expected to give there a high-spirited but humorous speech... Each of them grew up to the occasion, although I believe John McCain repeated a subtle victory right after yesterdays final debate, by turning the spotlight on the handicaps ailing Barack in a crescendo...
# 63, after the 3rd Presidential Debate...
63. John McCain showed by far his best debate performance although he didn't match the rhetoric of Barack Obama... For instance, as I've told to several friends based on Latin American bad experiences with nice-talking candidates: Eloquence is no substitute for record!...
Furthermore... By emphasizing the taxation concerns of now-famous plumber Joe Wurzelbacher in case of an Obama presidency, McCain brought up an additional key issue which shall secure him increasing support of Independent voters during the remaining days until November 4th...
Furthermore... By emphasizing the taxation concerns of now-famous plumber Joe Wurzelbacher in case of an Obama presidency, McCain brought up an additional key issue which shall secure him increasing support of Independent voters during the remaining days until November 4th...
# 62, on race and US politics hours before the final Presidential Debate...
62. Despite Barack Obama and his campaign are still trying to accommodate themselves as victims in spe of racial bias, the majority of US Citizens will judge him in terms of Martin Luther King junior's saying "I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin, but by the content of their character"...
At last up today evening John McCain shouldn't become anymore shy of exposing the weak character and consequent bad judgment of his opponent, both in light of his compromising associations (Wright, Ayers, ACORN, etc) and his record in detriment of the US economy (earmarks, dismissing of the GSE reform years ago, unpatriotic taxation, etc)...
3rd comment received but not published by The New York Times on Oct 15, 2008...
The article was...
My respective comment -as follows- has been received on same October 15th, 2008 9:54 am...
What Op-Ed columnists and The New York Times shall be striving for is not any left leaned Nobel prize but to reach and keep Credibility... However, this precious virtue in journalism is wearing off steadely thanks to a notorious unbalance favoring Barack Obama...
More via www.omonte.org
— Pablo Omonte, Lima, Peru
My respective comment -as follows- has been received on same October 15th, 2008 9:54 am...
What Op-Ed columnists and The New York Times shall be striving for is not any left leaned Nobel prize but to reach and keep Credibility... However, this precious virtue in journalism is wearing off steadely thanks to a notorious unbalance favoring Barack Obama...
More via www.omonte.org
— Pablo Omonte, Lima, Peru
2nd comment received but not published by The New York Times on Oct 8, 2008...
The article was...
My respective comment -as follows- has been received on same October 8th, 2008 10:46 am...
Tom... Sarah accentuated on higher taxes... She didn't speak of taxes in general... Look, if you increase taxes you push companies to invest in countries other than the USA and this is unpatriotic... Don't forget the Irish example!...
As I put to Roger, trying to find out wrong words stated by a well intentioned lady is not gravitational... As a close friend of Israel, you should be more concerned with the long lasting and close ties of Barack to Jews hating individuals and organizations...
More via www.omonte.org
— Pablo Omonte, Lima, Peru
My respective comment -as follows- has been received on same October 8th, 2008 10:46 am...
Tom... Sarah accentuated on higher taxes... She didn't speak of taxes in general... Look, if you increase taxes you push companies to invest in countries other than the USA and this is unpatriotic... Don't forget the Irish example!...
As I put to Roger, trying to find out wrong words stated by a well intentioned lady is not gravitational... As a close friend of Israel, you should be more concerned with the long lasting and close ties of Barack to Jews hating individuals and organizations...
More via www.omonte.org
— Pablo Omonte, Lima, Peru
1st comment received but not published by The New York Times on Oct 8, 2008...
The article was...
My respective comment -as follows- has been received on same October 8th, 2008 10:13 am...
Maureen... You should elaborate sooner than later on the notion of Barack campaigning for more than two years already... It's two years of the less than 3 years as senator... Less than 3 years where he -speaking of true records against the health of the US economy- asked for almost 1 billion dollars in pork barrel spending... John didn't ask even for a cent ever...
Could you find out alongside, if at least some of the money Barack asked for -like during his time as a legislator in Chicago- was intended to favor either his wife or his (to say the least) dubious associates?...
More on www.omonte.org
— Pablo Omonte, Lima, Peru
My respective comment -as follows- has been received on same October 8th, 2008 10:13 am...
Maureen... You should elaborate sooner than later on the notion of Barack campaigning for more than two years already... It's two years of the less than 3 years as senator... Less than 3 years where he -speaking of true records against the health of the US economy- asked for almost 1 billion dollars in pork barrel spending... John didn't ask even for a cent ever...
Could you find out alongside, if at least some of the money Barack asked for -like during his time as a legislator in Chicago- was intended to favor either his wife or his (to say the least) dubious associates?...
More on www.omonte.org
— Pablo Omonte, Lima, Peru
# 61, on confronting the real culprits of the economic disaster...
61. It's not capitalism nor greed nor deregulation that has brought the USA and the world to the present calamity at first place... It's social engineering, a socialism inspired approach which is at the heart of Obama's and his lefty gurus' weltanschauung... This "engineering" made possible the creation of a "grassroots" entity like ACORN, which extorted mortgage credits for penniless people all over the country during the last years...
Obama was not only ACORN's lawyer... He and his pal William Ayers gave them millions from the Annenberg Foundation, and together with his Democratic colleagues obtained for them 500 million taxpayer dollars per year... What did Obama and other Democrats receive as retribution?... At least useful voters, I guess...
McCain needs to speak out this truth as soon as it gets!...
Obama was not only ACORN's lawyer... He and his pal William Ayers gave them millions from the Annenberg Foundation, and together with his Democratic colleagues obtained for them 500 million taxpayer dollars per year... What did Obama and other Democrats receive as retribution?... At least useful voters, I guess...
McCain needs to speak out this truth as soon as it gets!...
# 60, on acorns falling not far from Barack...
60. Today I saw Barack Obama using at a rally in Indianapolis the metaphor "An acorn doesn't fall far from the tree"... He staggered notoriously when pronouncing the second word... My lecture is that he is unconsciously feeling that the other ACORN (the Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now), an entity he is deeply involved with and which is now being investigated for alleged voter fraud in several states, may cripple his quest for the White House...
ACORN was involved since long in registering uninformed voters, extorting financial institutions to give home loans to unqualified people, and lobbying for lower banking standards in Washington DC...
After reading a jocular article by Gail Collins I did send the following comment to nytimes.com, which was received at 11:50am DST but has not been published...
"Only if I were a lobotomized follower of Barack Obama, I would not expect that The New York Times -as one of the worldwide reliable sources of journalism- investigates if e.g. ACORN helped him using fraudulent means not only to successfully run for office in Chicago, but likewise to become a senator, and to secure victories against Hillary Clinton during the primaries"...
ACORN was involved since long in registering uninformed voters, extorting financial institutions to give home loans to unqualified people, and lobbying for lower banking standards in Washington DC...
After reading a jocular article by Gail Collins I did send the following comment to nytimes.com, which was received at 11:50am DST but has not been published...
"Only if I were a lobotomized follower of Barack Obama, I would not expect that The New York Times -as one of the worldwide reliable sources of journalism- investigates if e.g. ACORN helped him using fraudulent means not only to successfully run for office in Chicago, but likewise to become a senator, and to secure victories against Hillary Clinton during the primaries"...
# 59, casted right after the 2nd US Presidential Debate...
59. I was surprised about this debate not being like a typical town-hall meeting... It appeared to be a stiff one... Therefore it didn't provide the best atmosphere for John McCain to differentiate himself from Barack Obama... John should have been more direct in exposing Barack's and his party's records at the base of the current financial crisis... Besides, it would have been also critical to bring up the anti-American associations of the Democratic candidate...
In a few words... McCain was stronger on domestic policy, but he curiously let Obama appear not weak enough on foreign affairs...
In a few words... McCain was stronger on domestic policy, but he curiously let Obama appear not weak enough on foreign affairs...
# 58, on agents of change and the US economy...
58. Yesterday, viewing Mike Huckabee's charming new talk-show on FoxNews I came across a frank comparison which hasn't received most voters attention... In less than 1,000 days as senator, Barack Obama has requested almost 1 billion dollars in pork barrel spending... In more than 7,000 days as senator, John McCain has requested 0 (zero) dollars for same harmful purpose...
In retrospective... Who has showed the better record to become a true agent of change in favor of the US economy?...
In retrospective... Who has showed the better record to become a true agent of change in favor of the US economy?...
# 57, on profiting unrighteously from the financial debacle...
57. One trillion dollars on mostly dubious home loans were financed between 2005 and 2007 by the semipublic mortgage corporations Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac... Those shaky operations originated the recent financial meltdown, from which Barack Obama profited politically... Truth is that in 2005 and 2006 Republicans with the leadership of John McCain wanted to reform mentioned institutions but their initiative and bill were adamantly rejected by the Democratic majority reigning since 2004 over both Senate and House of Representatives... Under same light every independent voter will promptly understand why senator Obama (in only 3 years!) became the second highest recipient of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac money, just after the longest serving Democratic senator Christopher Dodd, chairman of the Senate Banking Committee...
# 56, right after the US Vice Presidential Debate...
56. I truly believe that Sarah Palin passed a pivotal test and revived the enthusiasm among Republicans and -most importantly- among Independents... She proved to be knowledgeable, smart, candid, and selfconfident... The nervousness with the editing-prone Charlie Gibson and Katie Couric (who b.t.w. had a long learning process at CBS) will soon be passé...
# 55, around an article of Roger Cohen before the Vice Presidential Debate...
55. It's refreshing to learn about the perspective française of Roger Cohen on several editions of The New York Times; but after analyzing a bunch of his articles one can conclude that... a) He's not serving the American cause, easily trashing Richard Nixon and George W. Bush... He may have forgotten that with John F. Kennedy the USA was on the verge to loose the Cold War to the Soviet Union totalitarians... The world needed the guts of Ronald Reagan to a victory... b) I still agree with John McCain's patriotic statement on the American economy... Of course he wanted to correct its ailments some years before as also the current President did, finding deaf ears among the Democrats leading Capitol Hill... c) Sarah Palin happens to be a wise politician, alas not yet proficient on the prime-time arena... She will improve and show naysayers that also she -like a humble young businessman named Harry Truman- could become a promising Vice President...
# 37, broadcasted via email with edition IV on Oct 23, 2007...
37. On O1's paragraph # 29, edition III, I mentioned that Hillary would have a better chance -than Barack Obama- to win the 2008 US presidential election... However, if I would vote, my choice would be John McCain or Rudolph Giuliani because -in my judgment- Republicans are those who can face with more coherence the fanatical enemies of Freedom...
# 54, casted right after the 1st US Presidential Debate...
54. If one should compile the just concluded debate using the most poignant soundbytes, we'd get the following...
John McCain: Senator Obama doesn't understand
Barack Obama: John is right
John McCain: That's not only naïve, that's dangerous
Barack Obama: I completely agree with John
John was indeed superior on the issues but he missed a brilliant opportunity to stress his better arguments regarding the bailout...
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